products training in Australia
海外市场中心     2013-09-05 00:00:00.0


In August the Office and dealers DBScar product line training started , the Sydney was conducted on the 22nd and the members welcome the new technology but still gave a reserve feedback to how to go about selling the EasyDiag and iDiag products. After the training and''||''&''||''nbsp; displaying a complete product demonstration on how the DBScar , Idiag, Pro and Easydiag work together and''||''&''||''nbsp; could be used to boost workshop advertising and away to generate workflow also dealers could be become service centres . After this point the staff displayed more interest in the new lines.

Training for IAME''||''&''||''nbsp; an well known automotive body, was conduct also in August and they had very good response the iDiag product,. Two training session in August was complete , one was at a trades college which after the introduction, has placed an order through the IAME for iDiags which will be used as a training aid for students and this will also include EasyDiag to the students.

2nd of Sept DBScar, Idiag and EasyDiag training was completed, with AutoEquip , they are now developing new marketing strategy to manage DBScar products.


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